Customer Service

Contact info Data Alliance International St Shipping methods and policies Business credit wireless gear
Returns / RMA Advanced Search Quantity discounts wireless gear
Technical support Top Wireless Tips, including WiFi and LTE Customer Account
Wish List Customized antennas and antenna cables Customizations and assembly of wireless gear kits
Checkout help network setup diagrams Security and privacy of your data



The following are firm policies of Data Alliance that we have had since our beginning in 2002, and will forever maintain:

  • We never have sent spam and never will send spam mail to our customers
  • We never have and never will share your information with anyone.
  • Your information is kept totally secure and used only for correspondence regarding order(s) that you have placed.
  • Our relationship with our customer base is based on these promises that we've made for many years, and our membership with consumer-reference services depends on the maintenance of all of the policies mentioned on this page.
  • Same policies apply if you only make an inquiry on our site.  No difference in policy for actual customers & potential customers

Electronic communications & information systems are secure:

  • Customers' checkout process is conducted via an SSL (Secure Socket Layer / encrypted) link.
  • Our Thawte SSL certificate is authentication and assurance that your credit card information is safe.
  • Our internal systems are extremely secure: Multiple firewalls, very strong passwords, and very limited access (only two totally-trusted employees have access to customer information, and only one of these has access to credit card information).


  • Our checkout system automatically discounts prices for some items, based on total units of any particular item
  • Discounts start at 5 units.
  • Bulk / wholesale purchases discounts range from 5% up to as high as 30% for large quantities of some items.
  • Additionally: Shipping cost, based on total weight, gets lower per-gram/pound as the shipment-size increases.